The Confederation of Radically Altered People, published by Off the Wall Plays, is a super hero play that answers the question as to what a person can do when they have less than stellar powers in a world with real superheroes.
Click Here to find out more!
Comedy: 7M, 8F, 6E
120-130 minutes
Steve, who is recovering from a traumatic brain injury has had his fortune stolen by his wife and unjustly sent to a mental institution. With the help of his new friends (the colorful other patients) Steve is able to break out and reclaim his life! This Comedy is Published by Off the Wall Plays.
Click Here to find out more!
Comedy: 5M, 6F, 6E
95-105 minutes
Grand Archon Carvax has plans to use earth for resources and discard all life on the planet. A resistance group sends aid to earth in the form of seven super powered suits, but they fail to get to their intended targets. When seven camping teens are entrusted with the suits, it is up to them to save the planet. This Sci-Fi Comedy is Published by Off the Wall Plays.
Click Here to find out more!
Comedy: 7M, 7F, 7E
105-115 minutes
Calvin "Tumbleweed" Tanner finds himself the improbable sheriff of Bannack Montana (circa 1870). This comedic western chronicles how a drifter from Connecticut saves a small town from ruthless bandits. This Wild West Comedy is published by Off the Wall Plays.
Click Here to Find out More!
Comedy: 8M, 11F
100-110 minutes
When the bridge crew of the U.S.S. Hemera is killed during an important mission for the Intergalactic Federation, 7th Officer (acting 5th officer) Brandon Bennett has to save the day. This Sci-fi comedy tells the story of an unlikely hero put in the position to be the officer he always wanted to be.
This show is published on Off the Wall Plays. Click Here to find out more!
Comedy: 9M, 7F, 10e
100-110 minutes
When it is prophesied that the daughters of Oshiro Village will rise against the nation's leadership, The Necromancer Pesuto takes action to destroy the village.
Five students of the legendary warrior Nakamura all of them surviving daughters of the doomed village rise to take on the evil that has ruled the island for generations.
This play is published by Off The Wall Plays. Click here for more information!
Epic Drama: 6M, 6F, 7E
110-120 minutes
The crew of the I.F. Starship Bostrock are running harmless but comedic experiments on humans when their ship is taken over by the evil Damigrians. Now they must rely on their human test subjects to save the day!
This Show ispublished by Black Box Theatre Publishing! Click Here for more information!
Comedy: 4M, 2F, 14E
80-85 minutes
The Alliance of Justice has met it's match in super villain group calling itself "The Pyramid". With the heroes on the ropes, new alliance recruits Kinetic and Rocket recruit their friends (all with unusual powers of their own) to come in and save the day!
This show is published by Off the Wall Plays. Click Here for more information!
Epic Drama: 7M, 8F, 5E
110-120 minutes
What's life like as a supernatural creature? Well, it pretty much sucks. See a collection of friends including an underpowered Necromancer, a Were Possum and a female Boogeyman regale an impartial judge about whose life is the most challenging!
This show is in pre-publication, so email me if you are interested in reading it!
7m, 8f, 11e
85-90 minutes
Portrayed in a fantasy world, five test subjects wake up with no memory of their past life with only one word, a personality descriptor (such as compassionate, courageous or orderly) written in type on their shirts. Once the experiment starts and they find out that to lose is to die all five do what they must to survive the experiment.
This show has been published by Eldridge Plays and Musicals. Click Here to find out more!
Drama: 6E
25-30 minutes
An Arthurian Legend drama in which future King Arthur, his brother and five other warriors are sent on a mission by Merlin to save the world from an approaching cataclysm. Death is the least of their concerns as failure could cost the heroes their very existence. This play won multiple awards at the North Carolina Theatre Conference including best actress and best director.
This Show is published by Off the Wall Plays. Click Here to find out more!
Drama: 6M, 5F, 9E
40-45 minutes
Danny Taylor is perplexed by girls in high school. This comedy chronicles his senior year and his failures and ultimate success in wooing his dream girl Emma while both are being constantly played by the devious Jessica. This show is published by Off the Wall Plays.
Click Here to find out more!
Comedy: 4M, 3F, 1E
35-40 minutes
What happened to Little Bunny Foo-Foo after he was turned into a goon? This comedic redemption story sheds light on the political circumstances that put Foo-Foo in dire straights before learning how to accept who he is. This show was a big hit at the North Carolina Theatre conference, winning multiple awards.
This Show is published by Off the Wall Plays. Click Here to find out more!
Comedy: 5M, 3F, 4E
45-50 minutes
When Dr. Barrett Adison died he was on the verge of a world changing discovery. Due to this, candidates are collected by the Representatives of Order in order to propose a substitution (3 lives for one) in order to bring Dr. Adison back. In a tradition as old as the world itself, the Order only has 48 hours to convince three people to make the ultimate sacrifice!
This show is published by Eldridge Plays and Musicals. Click here to find out more!
Drama: 1F, 12E
35 minutes
"The Never Before Seen Pilot Episode of Dipsy the Dinosaur" is a comedy in which four escaped inmates from a women's prison get mistaken for actors and become part of a pilot episode for a children's show.
This show is published by Black Box Publishing. Click Here to find out more.
Comedy: 3M, 7F, 3E
40 minutes
Three Students have to put together a play for a class assignment in this contemporary comedy. Conflicting ideas, motives and personalities bring to life multiple versions of similar scenes. The entire cast is made of high school aged students!
Student Written Disaster is Published by Black Box Theatre Publishing. You can Click Here for More info.
Comedy: 5M, 4F
35 minutes
"The Best Drama Club Fundraiser of All Time Minus that Part Where we Accidentally Summoned a Demon" is a comedy that follows high school students that accidentally summoned a demon from the 3rd plane of the abyss. How do you get rid of a demon while making enough money to make sure the drama team can go to competition?
This ahow is published by YouthPLAYS. Click Here To find out more!
Comedy: 3M 7F 1E
40 minutes
Matt, Chad, Eddie and Chelsea are role playing in a dungeon crawler with Alex as the Gamemaster. With all of the action happening on stage you get to see the action first hand as the four struggle to obtain the Talisman of Fair Winds from the evil Necromancer!
The show has been published by Eldridge Plays and Musicals. Click Here to find out more!
Comedy: 3M 5F 4-8E
35-40 minutes
Don't be that Guy: A Teenage Perspective is a work I created with the help of my drama kids in an effort to point out the bad habits of teens in an effort to get them to "not be that guy." A funny look at life in high school and how to be successful beyond those four years.
This show is published by Brooklyn Publishing. Click Here to find out more!
Comedy: 3M 6F 1E
30-35 Minutes
Finalists for a high level government assassin have been brought in for the final set of tests. The candidates discover the government has found a way to disconnect a person's consciousness from their body in the quest to create the ultimate undercover operative. Each round, the technology is used to rearrange personalities into different bodies as the candidates are forced to compete against each other for the job.
This Play will is published by Playscripts Inc. Click Here to find out more!
Drama: 1M. 1F. 7E
40 Minutes
Your first day of high school is always nerve wracking, but for Ethan, who happens to be a Zombie, and the first of his kind to attend public school in his state. It's both an adventure as well as a nerve wracking social predicament!
"I Want to Give you My Heart, and Eat your Brains" is published by Eldridge Plays and Musicals. Click Here to find out more!
Comedy: 2M 6F 3E
35-40 minutes
Four of a Kind has been a hit show for nine seasons, but when the stars find out how underpaid they are, they go all out on re-negotiations! During a live broadcast, the four girls hold the show hostage using plot twists within the episode that must be resolved or it could mean the end of the series!
The Almost Final Episode of Four of a Kind is published by Eldridge Plays and Musicals. Click here to find out more!
Comedy: 2M, 5F, 3E
35-40 minutes
The very existence of humanity is on the line as one candidate is chosen to represent mankind against the seven deadly sins. Is Erin strong enough to prove that humanity still deserves to exist?
The Trial of Existence is published by Eldridge Plays and Musicals. Click Here for more information!
Drama: 2M, 2F, 6E
40 minutes
Published by Smith Scripts, Carriers is a fantasy drama that takes place in a world where men have become afflicted with a madness that eats away at their reasoning. Women have shored up their defenses and now hunt men who are the carriers of the disease. A small ragtag group of surviving men strive to find a cure and reunite families.
Click Here to find out more!
Drama: 6M, 10F
40 minutes
Alex and Lindsay's friends have had just about enough of their over the top romantic relationship. Determined to end it at all cost, their plans go awry when Alex and Lindsay find out and work over time to stay together!
this play is published by Off the Wall Plays! Click Here to check it out!
Drama: 4M, 6F, 2E
35 minutes
Remy's two scene partners have bailed on her and if she doesn't get someone to help her out and do the scene with her she is going to fail her theatre class and get kicked off of the lacrosse team! At times Remy's friends are more harm than help as they try to get her through this performance!
This play has been published by Eldridge Plays and Musicals. Click Here to find out more.
Comedy: 2M 3F 1E
25-30 minutes
Five teens wake up in a mountain cabin after an auto accident in icy conditions. Tied to their chairs and unable to free themselves, the six are forced to compete against each other for their lives.
This show has been picked up for publication by Lazy Bee Scripts. Click Here for more information!
Drama: 2M, 1F, 3E
25 minutes
Grace has no memory of who she is and can not store new memories from day to day. A Specialist is brought in to remedy the situation but as his therapy starts to work, the secrets he uncovers are found to be deadly.
This show is published by Playscripts Inc.
Click Here for more information!
Drama: 1f, 6e
35-40 minutes
Jacob Marley has one link to go on his chain… a chain that loses a single link when he helps a person repent and change their ways. Since the first link disappeared when Scrooge was saved, Jacob has been on a mission to earn his own redemption. It’s Christmas and Jacob has chosen Jamie Edwards, an especially entitled high school student who is in desperate need of a life intervention. However, Jamie is turning out to be a hard nut to crack. Can Jacob help Jamie see the truth and make her change her ways, or is he doomed to wait another year?
This Show is published with Brooklyn Plays. Click Here for More info!
Comedy: 5m, 8f, 5-8e
65 minutes
Four people wake up in a mysterious room without any memory of how they got there or who they are. Presented with unusual situations, the four are eventually whittled down to one, but is that guy the winner, the loser, or somewhere in between?
This show is published by Playscripts inc. Click Here for more information
Drama: 5e
35 Minutes
Garrett and Sierra are no more, or are they? Is Sierra with Nick now or not? Nick may or may not still be dating Hope. (But Garrett has a date with Hope tonight, right?) A fun play about dating in high school and the miscommunication that's often a part of growing up, this play is published by Eldridge Plays and Musicals. Click Here for more information!
Comedy: 2m, 2f
40 Minutes
Dr. Egan has brought in seven test subjects in order to perform research on the concept of identity. Is our sense of self taught, or is it a part of who we are?
This Play is Published by Playscripts Inc.
Click Here for more info!
Drama: 8e
35-40 minutes
The Pendragons, a family of heroes are called on to lead a group stop the end of the world. Marcus and his brother Arthur must overcome their biggest fears in route to saving everyone they have ever known.
This Play is published by Eldridge Plays and Musicals. Click Here to find out more!
Drama: 6m, 6f, 4e
40 Minutes
Twelve High School students are celebrating having just graduated on a private island. Once they have arrived, they find they have been set up to pay for a crime they committed during the school year. The mysterious host plans to kill each of them to the theme of the 12 days of Christmas. Will any of them survive this irreverent mashup of the classic christmas song and the Agatha Christie murder mystery!
This play is published by YouthPLAYS. Click Here to find out more!
Comedy: 3m. 3f, 6e
45 minutes
A stand alone play that follows the events of THE HEARING and TRIAL Of EXISTENCE, this show explores whether or not mankind has progressed enough as a species for inclusion into the collective. A very thought provoking play with a powerful conclusion.
This show is published by Eldridge plays and musicals. Click Here to find out more!
Drama: 1f, 11e
40 Minutes
Sixteen volunteers from troubled high school programs are being tested by a shadowy government agency through a series of tests and scenarios. Why are they doing it? Are they looking for someone? Do they find them?
This show is published by Eldridge Plays and Musicals. Click Here to Find out more!
Drama: 1f, 18e
40 Minutes
Hannah is in a mental hospital and isn't exactly sure why. A troubled child with a history of abuse and trauma, she's visited in her dreams by her friends and family as her doctors work to heal her mind. This particularly dark play delves into the human psyche on how the human mind copes.
This show is in pre-publication. Be on the lookout for more information!
Drama: 3f, 4e
30 Minutes
Jamie and Jacob are dating, but Ben and Jamie hooked up while working on a project together. Ben feels horrible about it, in part because he needs Jacob to be in his student directed show. (and he fears if Jacob finds out he won't do it!) A war ensues and battle lines are drawn in this fun comedy about the explosive nature of high school relationships.
This show is published by Playscripts inc!
Click Here for more information!
Comedy: 2m, 7f, 1e
40 minutes
Nine students who don't get along and are causing endless problems for their teachers and principal are given a chance to participate in a pilot program with prizes for working together. Will these troubled students learn to put their differences aside or will they let this opportunity slip through their fingers?
This Play is published by Off the Wall Plays. Click Here to check it out!
Comedy: 11e
35 minutes
Can Jacob Marley and the Ghosts redeem Santa's nefarious partner? Will Krampus see the error of his ways? See what went wrong with Krampus and Santa's long standing partnership!
This show is published by Playscripts! Check it out here!
Comedy: 5m, 2f, 13e
55 minutes
A week before prom and mere seconds before having to perform in a children's theatre production, Ella decides she can't take it anymore and decides to end her relationship with Brandon. The meltdown that happens on and off stage threatens to ruin their production as well as their grade in their theatre class!
This show is published by YouthPLAYS. Click Here For more information!
Comedy: 2m, 4f, 1e
40 minutes
A collection of three 20 minute christmas comedy. The first two are stand alone plays while the third combines the casts of the first two shows.
The Stories include:
The Reindeer Rebellion
The Southern Elf
The Set Up
This play is published by Off The Wall Plays. Click Here for more information!
Comedy: 2m 4f, 13e and 3-6 nonspeaking roles for ninjas.
60-65 minutes
When five minorly powered high school students decide to start a "super abilities club" they never could have seen that it would lead to them being called the Fatal Five
Comedy: 1m, 6e
35-40 minutes
This play is published by Brooklyn Publishing! Click here for more information!
No one could have predicted that when James broke up with Erica, that it would lead to a conflict that would span over a year, culminating in a one month war that would involve all of their friends and claim plenty of casualties.
Comedy: 2m, 3f 10e
35-40 minutes
This play is published by Heartland Plays! Click here for more information!
Barrett, a high school boy on the spectrum writes the songs for his successful acoustic band. All of his songs are written about Sarah, who sings for the group, but Barrett changes the words so that she won't know his real feelings for her.
This is my first musical and is published by Eldridge Plays and Musicals. Click Here for more information!
Musical Light hearted drama
2m, 3f
65-70 Minutes
Dr. Runnels has figured out how to completely erase a persons memory, leaving them as a new malleable tool. Using untraceable criminals, Runnels and his associates experiment on the true value of nature vs. nurture.
40 minutes
Roles for 11e
Kaitlyn has been involved in a fatal car accident and finds out that since her life isn't complete, that a group of mysterious figures will vote on whether or not she will be sent back to finish her life.
40 minutes
Roles for 1m, 5f, 6e
When Laura was given the opportunity to direct the pilot episode of Fantasy Fun Time, she had no idea that her vindictive ex-fiance would be assigned as the show runner and would set out to destroy the show. With segments including a screaming demon, lessons in speaking Turkish, and a screamo band called Sheep On Fire, what will become of Laura's first directing gig?
This show will be published by Brooklyn Plays! Check back soon for more infomation!
40 minutes
Roles 3m, 1f, 12e
In 9 days, aliens are going to arrive and kill off most of humanity within hours of arriving. Hannah and her team have traveled from the future and must convince a group of total strangers to come with her to future and help save humanity.
This play is published by Eldridge Plays and Musicals! Click Here for more information!
25-30 minutes
Roles 1f, 9e
Barrett went to sleep as a 37 year old professional educator and woke up in his 18 year old body on a typical school day of his senior year. What has happened and why is it that all of the people he loved so dearly in high school aren't involved in his adult life?
This play will be published by Brooklyn Plays. Check back soon to find out more!
25-30 minutes
Roles 2m, 2f, and 4e
Its 1870 and Bethany's husband is dead and she is desperately poor. Unbeknownst to her, her husband's death bequeathed a fortune to her if she can collect. In this melodramatic comedy, it's up to Reginald to figure out how to make it happen and prevent Bethany and her daughter from becoming destitute.
This Play will be published by Heuer Plays! Check back soon for more information!
55 minutes
Roles 3m, 9f, 6e
Bella, princess of the kingdom and heir to the throne is dead. Now she needs to figure out who did this to her as her other family members start dropping off as well. Who's behind this nefarious plot?
This show will be published by Heuer Publishing. Check back soon for more details.
45 minutes
Roles for 3m, 6f, 3e
Jamie Runnels has applied for a position in the agency. Unaware of how intrusive the application would be into his life, Jamie is put through several extremely intense trials and has to make several difficult decisions before being offered the position.
35 minutes
Roles for 12e
When Adam falls asleep during a movie, he wakes up handcuffed to his chair. His girlfriend, Laura has a lot of explaining to do!
This Script has been published and can be found at Brooklyn Publishing.
Roles for: 1m, 1f
Dana and Adam are writing and rehearsing a scene for their honors theatre class. As both characters have super powers that aren't defined or set in stone, things get heated as they have disagreements in the direction of the piece!
This Script has been published and can be found at Brooklyn Publishing.
Roles for 1m, 1f
Micah has been tasked with directing a stage combat scene (with swords) for nine of his classmates. With 9 different people with 9 different motivations, will the scene ever get ready?
This Script will be published by Brooklyn Publishing.
Roles for 10e
Three siblings comedically plan out what is going to happen to them after they die while waiting for their grandmothers funeral to start.
This play is published by Brooklyn Plays! Click Here to find out more!
Roles for 3e
Brett and Vince have a baffling conversation about Vince's expectations about dating and life.
This play is published by Brooklyn Plays! Click here for more information!
Roles for 2m