Citizens of Earth, there is no cause for alarm. I am Senior Science Officer Korena of the Scientific Council for Intergalatic Peace residing on the planet of Polarax… 13.9 light years from your own system. This message is being broadcast over every known wavelength as a part of a program designed to protect your planet from a hostile invasion. Your planet was the target of invasion by Grand Archon Messilius Carvax, in an illegal move to harvest your planet’s resources. Without your knowledge, seven of your finest have battled him to protect your world. They were recruited and trained by us in an effort to stop the unwarranted aggression They represented the finest your planet have to offer and I know they have served you well. If you are listening to this message, their efforts have failed and they were forced to employ their final weapon that would insure your planet’s safety.
(She pauses and then continues)
In linking the combined power of their suits, these seven heroes have released an amplified pulse which has a frequency that interacts with the viscosity of Polaraxi blood. In simplified terms, every native of Polarax who was within 23 light minutes of your planet died suddenly several minutes ago. I do not know the circumstances surrounding this, and there is a good chance that I may not have survived the blast myself… but I can guarantee that there must have been no other alternative. I very much wish that I could have come to your world in peace to explore and share ideas together, but that was not meant to be. In time, perhaps our cultures can exist in peace. On Polarax, a message warning against further aggression is being played for our emperor at this time. I do not think that you will have to worry about another invasion any time in the near future. Citizens of earth, I wish you the best of fortunes in the future.