Hello. I am Senior Science Officer Korena of the Scientific Council for Intergalatic Peace. I realize that it must come as a shock to you that not only is there life “out there.” But also that you are being contacted by it directly In normal situations we would never contact another species in this fashion, but this situation is far from normal. In a matter of days, an army lead by Grand Archon Mesillius Carvax will land on your planet with the sole intent of eliminating all beings on your world. The motivation behind this lies within our culture’s nature to spread throughout the galaxy conquering all who oppose us. As you can imagine, not all beings of Polarax, our home world, agree with the elimination of an intelligent species just to use the resources of their planet. We have tried to prevent this through political channels, but we have failed and this is why I have contacted you. The Council, for whom I work, has chosen you to champion your people against this invasion. You were selected from all of the beings on your planet to wear one of the powered combat suits our team has devised.
You, along with six others chosen through molecular scanning of your system are your planets only hope. Each suit is designed to work with your personal strengths to make you and the six other chosen nearly unstoppable. Moreover, combined the seven of you have the ability to produce a weapon that even Carvax will have no answer for. I wish there was more we could do for you, but we are assured that the seven of you will have a fighting chance to save your world. In this probe you will find the following items: The first is this missive, which you are listening to now. Part two of this message will detail the specific abilities of your suit and will show you how to use all of it’s powers, communication devices and other abilities. Finally, within this probe, you will find your new combat suit. Put it on at once! That is all for now. In part two, you will be led by my assistant Lezana on the specifics of your suit. Good luck in defending your planet, there are many on Polarax who are pulling for you!