It is with a heavy heart that I come to you today. I mourn the loss of five of my friends today. Tara Graham and Yusuke Shimabukuro, known to you as Summer and Musashi were cut down prematurely for reasons I cannot even fathom. They were my family and died defending the freedom that you and I so fervently cherish.(with faked sincerity) But I also mourn the loss of Johnny Atomic, Winter and The Shift. Defending myself, I was forced to end the life of Bradley Reisen and that image will haunt me until the end of my life. As you know, Tara Graham and Johnny Taylor were not apprehended. While I mourn the loss of their companionship and cannot begin to understand their motives, I can assure you this. They will most certainly face justice for what they have done.
Through this tragedy, one that ended the lives of two of my closest and most loyal friends as well as that of the beloved King Abdullah of Jordan, we will construct new legislation that will insure such events will never repeat themselves. I will petition the United Nations to bring all men and women who have extraordinary abilities under one administration. The days of vigilantes and rogue super groups are in the past. Through the efforts of the United Nations and under my leadership we can bring these good intentioned, but chaotic forces together and together we can bring peace back to our world. Tonight I ask you not only to pray for the fallen, but also for their families and for myself, Devileye and Cyanide as we work to bring order to this horrible situation. (seeing a hand) I'm sorry, but we will be taking no questions this evening. Thank you.
(he leaves)