That was Emma Brown and I’m in love with her. Don’t look at me like that! Yeah yeah… I know… “you’re just 17 Danny, you don’t know what love is.” Yeah, well up yours! It’s love or it isn’t. It’s something.. and if it makes you feel better to call it lust, or teenage hormone attraction disorder or anything else then that’s fine with me. Hell, if you want to go all third grade on me I will just say I liked her. I did like her. A lot. (pause) So that’s established. And you just saw the most gut wrenching confusing moment of my entire life. A moment where the love of my… the “like” of my life just reached down my throat and grabbed my heart along with my spleen pancreas and probably even my colon… dropped it on the floor and stepped on it. Also… while we are at it, let me just go ahead and wreck a myth for all of the girls out there… You can’t just be friends. Guys aren’t wired that way. Right now, I am telling you that if you know a guy… a straight guy… and you think he is only your friend then you’re an idiot. That guy wants you. He is biding his time, taking his vitamins and saying his prayers that his shot will come. He may play the part of best friend just like I have with Emma freaking Brown for years, but that guy wants you. Understand?
(Late Bell Rings)
Anyways… four days before this greek level tragedy, Emma and I kissed for the first time. She was the one who kissed me as I honest to God thought all hope was gone. But it happened and for four days I was living the dream man. It was real and then last night. Boom. Heart, spleen, pancreas, colon. (He mimes stomping on them.) But I have to get to class now. I will catch you up on the rest later.